EMF & RF Blog

Why You Should Consider an EMF Home Inspection?

Why You Should Consider an EMF Home Inspection?

EMF in Real Estate
Acquiring a residence is a significant undertaking, demanding thoughtful deliberation regarding one's prospective dwelling. Prior to finalizing a housing choice, it is customary procedure to arrange for a comprehensive property assessment, aimed at identifying potential hazards or deficiencies warranting remediation prior to occupancy. In contemporary society, an increasing number of individuals are opting to engage in EMF residential inspections or surveys, driven by a growing awareness of the potential health implications associated with prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic pollution has historically been a lesser emphasized factor in real estate assessments. However, there has been a notable shift in recent years, particularly evident in countries like Germany. In these regions, it is becoming increasingly customary to engage the services of a building biologist or electromagnetic specialist during the property evaluation…
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Radiation Fear Houses Near Cellphone Masts Fetch Low Rents in Dubai

Radiation Fear Houses Near Cellphone Masts Fetch Low Rents in Dubai

EMF & 5G in Dubai
Radiation fears are driving down prices and rents of properties near electricity and cellphone towers in Dubai. In Jumeirah Park alone, homes near towers fetch five per cent lower rent than similar units elsewhere. The sales price difference is even steeper — 7.5 per cent. Mohammad Babar of One Real Estate agency said they are struggling to find takers for around 100 villas because of their proximity to the towers. A three-bedroom Legacy villa in Jumeirah Park rents for Dh210,000 per annum. Babar said similar size villas near towers fetch about Dh200,000. Babar said he faced similar problem in Jumeirah Village Triangle (JVT) where around 100 villas are near power cables. “The difference in rent for a three-bedroom villa here could be Dh20,000. A bigger challenge is to sell these…
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Results of the EMF Real Estate Survey titled “Neighborhood Cell Towers & Antennas — Do They Impact a Property’s Desirability?”

Results of the EMF Real Estate Survey titled “Neighborhood Cell Towers & Antennas — Do They Impact a Property’s Desirability?”

EMF in Real Estate
Survey conducted by the National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy have been compiled. The survey, initiated on June 2, 2014, and completed by 1,000 participants as of June 28, 2014, aimed to determine whether the presence of cell towers and antennas in a neighborhood or on a building would influence the interest and willingness to pay for a real estate property among home buyers and renters. An overwhelming majority of respondents (94%) stated that the existence of nearby cell towers and antennas would have a negative impact on their interest in a property and the price they would be willing to pay for it. Furthermore, 79% of respondents asserted that they would never purchase or rent a property located within a few blocks of a cell tower or…
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Exploring the Impact of EMF Radiation on Women’s Fertility: Uncovering Hidden Causes

Exploring the Impact of EMF Radiation on Women’s Fertility: Uncovering Hidden Causes

Health in the Age of EMF
Ladies, this one’s for you. If you are trying to get pregnant, there can be a lot of risk factors that determine how fertile your body is. For some, conceiving a child comes easily—accidentally in some cases. For others, the odds might not be in their favor. After doctors visits, cycle tracking, staying healthy, taking vitamins and supplements, and wearing fertility jewelry, many have to resort to medical procedures like artificial insemination or IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) to conceive. Even then, some are not able to carry a child. As child-bearing seems to become more and more difficult for women around the world, causes of infertility are being more heavily researched. Many women may not realize the impact that environmental toxins, like EMF radiation, can have on their body and…
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Understanding the Impact of EMF Radiation on Hormonal Balance and the Endocrine System

Understanding the Impact of EMF Radiation on Hormonal Balance and the Endocrine System

Health in the Age of EMF
If you had to eliminate one main system from your body, which would you choose? The Digestive System? The Nervous System? Maybe the Immune System? Needless to say, it would be a very hard decision. Every system in your body plays a mandatory regulatory role in keeping you alive and human, and all the systems are interconnected in multiple ways. In this article, we discuss the system responsible for diabetes, moody teens, and sexual function: the endocrine system. Just like other parts of your body, the endocrine system can be negatively affected by EMFs. Because this system controls so many different functions in our bodies, it is important to understand how EMFs may be interfering with natural regulatory processes, and what you can do to combat the harmful effects. What…
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Top 10 Sanctuaries to Escape EMF and 5G Radiation: Worldwide Locations with Minimal Electromagnetic Exposure

Top 10 Sanctuaries to Escape EMF and 5G Radiation: Worldwide Locations with Minimal Electromagnetic Exposure

Health in the Age of EMF
As we advance into an era where digital connectivity is a cornerstone of our daily lives, we are simultaneously stepping into a landscape densely populated with technological infrastructure. Modern cities, the epicenters of innovation and communication, have become hubs for an intricate network of cell towers. These structures are pivotal in providing the essential cellular coverage that facilitates the seamless exchange of information and the connectivity that drives our economy, social interactions, and emergency services. However, with this surge in technological progress comes an increased exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Citizens living within these urban centers are finding themselves enveloped in a constant EMF presence due to the proliferation of cell towers and antennas required to meet the insatiable demand for wireless communication services. Looking toward the horizon, it is…
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Understanding the Process and Disadvantages of Mobile Tower Installation on Your Property

Understanding the Process and Disadvantages of Mobile Tower Installation on Your Property

EMF in Real Estate
In previous articles, I highlighted the potential dangers of living near mobile cell towers. It's widely accepted that the radiofrequency (RF) emissions from these towers can be detrimental to human health, as evidenced by numerous research studies published on the topic. Furthermore, it's well-documented that these towers not only compromise the aesthetic appeal of buildings and homes but can also decrease their monetary value, especially if the towers are situated close by. A common question many ask is, "How did these cell towers end up on the rooftops of our homes?" There's been much debate on various platforms, with some speculating about conspiracy theories. Who decided to erect a towering structure filled with smart cells in the heart of a community? Why are there so many small cells on the…
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History of Electromagnetic Radiation and Studies on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

History of Electromagnetic Radiation and Studies on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

Movies, books & scientific studies
Emerging concerns over electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been prevalent since the late 1960s with the introduction of higher voltage electric power transmission lines. Although initial opposition was based on esthetics and property value considerations, health concerns gained traction after a 1979 study linked EMF exposure to childhood leukemia. Understanding the nature of EMF and its interactions with biological systems has become vital. Numerous agencies have sponsored research, with a myriad of conclusions, fueling the ongoing debate about EMF's potential health risks. The Genesis of EMF Concerns Starting from the late 1960s, discussions around the potential biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) began due to the introduction of new, higher voltage electric power transmission lines. Initially, the primary concerns were esthetic issues and property value reductions. However, health concerns were brought…
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Could Small Cell Technology Affect Real Estate Property Values Negatively?

Could Small Cell Technology Affect Real Estate Property Values Negatively?

EMF in Real Estate
According to certain real estate analyses, the implementation of 5G technology has the potential to impede or potentially reverse some of the positive trends in home value that homeowners are currently experiencing. The technology behind small cell phone towers is founded on novel, significantly shorter microwave wavelengths that have not been previously employed in cellular communication. Differing from conventional cell phone technology, these waves exhibit a pulsed nature, have limited propagation distances, possess higher directionality, and are more susceptible to obstruction by structures and vegetation. Consequently, the effective operation of these systems necessitates the deployment of a significantly larger number of transmitting devices, situated much closer to residential areas. According to two separate estimates, an additional 250,000 to 330,000 new "mini-cell phone towers" will need to be installed across the…
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Suffering from Mold Illness? The Role of EMF and 5G in Worsening Your Symptoms

Suffering from Mold Illness? The Role of EMF and 5G in Worsening Your Symptoms

Health in the Age of EMF
At first glance, it can be easy to think that technology we use everyday and indoor mold don’t even belong in the same sentence. But for individuals that have suffered from effects of mold toxicity or are still trying to recuperate from such an illness, you might want to think again - there’s actually a more complicated relationship that might be more relevant than you think. What Is Mold Illness? Exposure to mold and its toxic metabolites (known as mycotoxins) can cause a condition known as mold illness. Mold illness occurs when the microscopic poisons found within mold sneak their way into your body and begin wreaking havoc – causing a vast array of side effects ranging from mild to life-threatening. Just a handful of mold illness' possible effects include:…
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Could Pulsed Electronically Generated Electromagnetic Fields Cause Alzheimer’s?

Could Pulsed Electronically Generated Electromagnetic Fields Cause Alzheimer’s?

Health in the Age of EMF
For almost a quarter of a century, researchers have been studying and publishing on the effect of calcium on Alzheimer’s Disease. Research has led to the development of the calcium hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease, which argues that Alzheimer’s is caused by excessive intracellular calcium. Calcium causes changes to the brain Calcium build-up in cells results in diverse range of changes in the brain. There are two significant changes that develop conditions for Alzheimer’s disease. Specific increases in the amyloid precursor protein, BACE1 and amyloid beta protein aggregatesLess specific neurodegenerative changes including hyperphosphorylated tau protein and neurofibrillary tangles, cell death produced by apoptosis or by destructive autophagy, synaptic dysfunction produced by changes in neuronal structures required for synapsis between brain neurons, oxidative stress and inflammation EMFs and Calcium build up Pulsed…
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The Influence of EMF from Cell Phone Towers on Night Sleep and Health

The Influence of EMF from Cell Phone Towers on Night Sleep and Health

Health in the Age of EMF
In the era of constant technological advancements, mobile cell towers have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. They form the backbone of wireless communication, enabling the connectivity that we rely upon for everything from work to social interactions. However, as the number of these towers continues to grow, concerns are mounting about the potential health implications of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation emitted by these structures. One area of particular interest is how this EMF exposure could impact the quality of our sleep and overall health. This article aims to critically examine the current scientific literature on this topic and offer a nuanced perspective. The Percentage of Time Spent in Each Room The list below illustrates the average percentage of time that people spend in each room: - Bedroom:…
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Cell Phone Tower Emissions and Their Impact on Children’s Health

Cell Phone Tower Emissions and Their Impact on Children’s Health

Health in the Age of EMF
Cell Towers Emit a Type of Radiation Scientific studies have documented various effects associated with cell towers RF radiation, including an elevated risk of cancer, cellular disturbances, headaches, sleep disturbances, genetic impairments, alterations in the reproductive system, memory lapses, and effects on the nervous system. It's important to note that the aggregate exposure from cell tower RF radiation can accumulate to significant levels over prolonged periods. While young children might not directly use mobile devices, they are still passively exposed to this radiation. The continuous nature of radiation from cell towers is a concern, as while we have the option to switch off our mobile devices, the same cannot be said for cell towers. Children Are More Vulnerable Children are more susceptible to RF radiation due to their increased absorption…
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