History of Electromagnetic Radiation and Studies on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

History of Electromagnetic Radiation and Studies on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

Movies, books & scientific studies
Emerging concerns over electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been prevalent since the late 1960s with the introduction of higher voltage electric power transmission lines. Although initial opposition was based on esthetics and property value considerations, health concerns gained traction after a 1979 study linked EMF exposure to childhood leukemia. Understanding the nature of EMF and its interactions with biological systems has become vital. Numerous agencies have sponsored research, with a myriad of conclusions, fueling the ongoing debate about EMF's potential health risks. The Genesis of EMF Concerns Starting from the late 1960s, discussions around the potential biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) began due to the introduction of new, higher voltage electric power transmission lines. Initially, the primary concerns were esthetic issues and property value reductions. However, health concerns were brought…
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Examining the Scientific Perspective: Does Radiation Emitted by Cell Towers Pose a Threat?

Examining the Scientific Perspective: Does Radiation Emitted by Cell Towers Pose a Threat?

Movies, books & scientific studies
Cellular communication infrastructures, such as cell phone towers, emit substantial levels of Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation, commonly referred to as "microwave" radiation. The considerable amperage employed by these towers is evident from the extensive network of power cables associated with them. The inquiry into the potential hazards posed by cell phone tower radiation is a subject of interest. Numerous scientific investigations indicate a notable rise in cancer and other illnesses among individuals residing in proximity to such towers. A notable illustration is a study conducted in 2004, which revealed that individuals who had lived within 400 meters of a cellular transmitter over the preceding decade (1994-2004) faced a threefold increase in the likelihood of developing cancer compared to those residing at greater distances. This article will commence by providing a…
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EMF/RF Radiation Books

EMF/RF Radiation Books

Movies, books & scientific studies
Acquiring comprehensive knowledge regarding the principles and investigations related to electromagnetic radiation equips individuals with the capacity to engage with empirical information. Consequently, this enhanced understanding facilitates the ability to render well-informed judgments. Personally, I was prompted to take meaningful steps once I gained such insights. It holds true that knowledge yields influence. Notably, the individuals who exhibit the highest proficiency in safeguarding both themselves and their families are those who have undertaken extensive education on this matter. This webpage has been established with the precise intention of serving this purpose. Herein, I have curated a selection of preferred literature on the subject. Furthermore, any noteworthy additions to this collection will be duly incorporated over time. The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology This…
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Documentary Films

Documentary Films

Health in the Age of EMF, Movies, books & scientific studies
Over the past two decades, numerous documentary films have addressed the subject of electromagnetic radiation and its impact on various aspects such as mobile cell towers, small cell antennas, 5G towers, power lines, and wireless networks. I encourage you to consider viewing these documentaries to enhance your understanding of the risks associated with EMF radiation in our surroundings and to promote awareness. The documentaries listed on this page are not categorized in any specific order and cater to audiences of all ages. It is highly recommended that individuals who prioritize a healthy environment with minimal electromagnetic radiation exposure allocate time to watch these films. AN INVISIBLE THREAT - Are Microwave Radiation Waves Killing us? The presence of waves is imperceptible to our senses - we are unable to visually perceive…
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