Documentary Films

Over the past two decades, numerous documentary films have addressed the subject of electromagnetic radiation and its impact on various aspects such as mobile cell towers, small cell antennas, 5G towers, power lines, and wireless networks. I encourage you to consider viewing these documentaries to enhance your understanding of the risks associated with EMF radiation in our surroundings and to promote awareness.

The documentaries listed on this page are not categorized in any specific order and cater to audiences of all ages. It is highly recommended that individuals who prioritize a healthy environment with minimal electromagnetic radiation exposure allocate time to watch these films.

AN INVISIBLE THREAT – Are Microwave Radiation Waves Killing us?

The presence of waves is imperceptible to our senses – we are unable to visually perceive them, hear them, or physically interact with them. However, these waves surround us, permeating the air and impacting our bodies and the environment.

“An Invisible Threat” explores the correlation between microwave technology and its potential impact on human health. The investigation delves into the conflicts of interest that arise among industry representatives, politicians, scientists, and consumers, ultimately resulting in inadequate protection against the harmful effects of radiation.

Burt Wolf’s “Short Guide to Cell Phone Safety” and “The Dangers of Radiofrequency Radiation”

Burt Wolf’s Travels and Traditions, which airs on PBS, has aired two excellent episodes on mobile phones and wireless radiation. Both episodes feature research and data on wireless radiation.

Please watch both episodes at the following videos

Something is in the air

Is radiation from your cell phone or cell towers harmful for your health? Or the environment? The scientific debate is on-going. Are scientific conclusions tied to the interests of those who fund the studies?
How do governments make sure the radiation stays within healthy limits? What happens to insects when 5G is fully rolled out?

These questions and many more are explored in this film, Something is in the air.

BBC: Wi-Fi Warning Signal

Jeremy Vine presents ‘WiFi Warning Signal’, a BBC Panorama Documentary highlighting the dangers of WiFi radiation in schools, with investigative journalist Paul Kenyon.

Children and Wireless: Wi-Fried by ABC Catalyst

You cannot see or hear it, but WiFi coverage “pollutes” our homes, schools, and cities. The Australian safety agency claims there is no evidence of harm, but practice and evidence suggest otherwise. An increasing number of scientists are concerned that the widespread use of WiFi and WiFi-enabled devices may have a negative impact on our health. In this Catalist investigation, Dr. Marianne Demasi explores whether our wireless devices could jeopardize our health.

After this documentary on health issues related to WiFi was aired, unknown sources reacted by demanding the program be removed from the internet. Not only was the show taken down, but ABC Catalist reporter Dr. Marianne Demasi was also fired, along with the entire team that worked on the production of the show.

An Invisible Threat

The invisible waves that surround us, penetrating the air and affecting our bodies and the environment, cannot be seen, heard, or touched. In the documentary “An Invisible Threat,” the correlation between microwave technology and health is examined. The investigation delves into the conflicts of interest among industry representatives, politicians, scientists, and consumers, which result in a lack of protection against the harmful effects of radiation.

A Radiant Day

If you are interested in ICNIRP and how our so-called “safety standards” have been developed by industry-funded and industry-loyal scientists, be sure to watch this documentary. It explores the research and data behind frequent reports on electromagnetic radiation. Producer: NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Company) & Brennpunkt.

Is radiation the asbestos of the 21st century?

A documentary where we examine the effects of the radiation of cellphones, WIFI and transmission towers on human beings. We follow Electrically Hypersensitive (EHS) Dennis Rietbergen in his search for answers. How bad is radiation? How do people deal with their health issues? What does the government do? Is EHS recognized as a disease? He visits and talks with scientists, doctors and EHS patients in his attempt to confirm the health effects of radiation.

Electrosensitivity: Tortured By Technology? BBC

Fatigue, pain, headaches, dizziness, burning, twitching, nausea, palpitations. Just some of the symptoms experienced by people who say they suffer from ‘electrosensitivity’.

Electrosensitives – who are mostly self-diagnosed – say that electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, wi-fi and other modern technology are making them seriously ill.

Interested in History?

Produced in 2002 and premiering in January 2003, “Bad Reception: The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco” documents the response of San Francisco residents to the installation of 3G (i.e., digital voice and data) wireless infrastructure and its potential health and environmental impacts.

Trailers for documentary films

Generation Zapped

Generation Zapped is an eye-opening documentary, which reveals that wireless technology poses serious health risks, from infertility to cancer. Through interviews with experts in science and public health, along with people who suffer from high sensitivity to wireless radiation, the film suggests ways to reduce your exposure and protect your family.

Thank You for Calling

The authors of the documentary are Klaus Scheidsteger and Die Schneiderei. This investigative film showcases top scientists and explores how the mobile phone industry has rapidly evolved to become one of the most powerful industries in the world.

Prisons Without Bars

A film by Nicole Giguère & Isabelle Hayeur. Our environment is saturated with chemicals and electromagnetic frequencies. The adverse effects of these massive exposures affect a growing number of individuals.

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