Smart Meter Radiation – A Comprehensive Guide

As the implementation of 5G technology progresses in certain test markets and the widespread installation of smart meters becomes increasingly common, it is crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature of smart meters, the type of radiation they emit, and its intensity.

Introduction to Smart Meter Radiation

When we refer to “smart meter radiation,” we are actually discussing radio frequency radiation, which is a form of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation emitted by smart meters. This type of radiation is not unique or novel; it is simply a reference to the source of radiation.

The reason why this term is commonly used is due to the growing prevalence of smart meters, which is becoming an issue affecting almost every homeowner in developed countries like the United States, Canada, and most of Europe.

Typically, smart meters are installed on the exterior of homes, replacing traditional analog meters. These smart meters emit significant amounts of radio frequency radiation in all directions at regular intervals. For instance, if a smart meter is installed on a wall opposite a bedroom, there is likely to be a substantial level of EMF radiation penetrating into that room.

This radiation can potentially lead to various health issues and adversely impact sleep quality and quantity.

According to Vini Khurana, an associate professor of Neurosurgery, “A wireless smart meter produces radiofrequency microwave radiation with two antennas in approximately the same frequency range (900 MHz to 2.4 GHz) as a typical cell tower. However, depending on its proximity to occupied spaces within a home, a smart meter can result in much higher radiofrequency exposures compared to common cell towers. If a smart meter is situated on a shared wall with a bedroom or kitchen, instead of a garage wall, for instance, the radiofrequency exposure can be equivalent to being within a distance of 200 to 600 feet from a cell tower with multiple carriers. Both cell towers and smart meters emit microwaves that encompass the entire body, increasing the risk of overexposure to sensitive organs such as the eyes and testicles. With a cell phone, exposure to microwaves primarily occurs in the head and neck, unless using speaker mode, and only when the device is turned on or in standby mode.”

Having gained a better understanding of smart meters and the radiation they emit, let us delve deeper into the reasons why this issue concerns a significant number of individuals.

Reasons for Concern about Smart Meter Radiation

One of the primary issues with smart meters is that many people are unaware that they have them. They may have been using analog meters for years and, without their knowledge, had their meters replaced with smart meters by the utility company.

Consequently, individuals may be exposed to substantial levels of radio frequency radiation without being fully aware of it. In a letter addressed to the Chair of the North Carolina Utilities Commission, Dr. David Carpenter, a well-regarded researcher, Harvard-trained physician, and former head of the New York State Department of Public Health, along with Magda Davis of the Environmental Health Trust and other doctors, highlighted several concerns related to smart meter radiation.

While the complete letter provides an in-depth summary of the issues people have with smart meter radiation, let us focus on the key conclusions Carpenter emphasized:

– Smart meters operate with more frequent pulses compared to cell phones, heightening the potential for adverse health impacts.
– Smart meter pulses can occur an average of 9,600 times per day, with up to 190,000 signals per day, whereas cell phones only pulse when in use.
– Radio frequency radiation from cell phones is concentrated, primarily affecting the head or the area where the phone is stored. In contrast, smart meter radiation affects the entire body.
– Individuals can choose whether or not to use a cell phone and for how long. Conversely, when smart meters are installed on a home, occupants have no choice but to endure continuous exposure to radio frequency radiation.
Victoria Australia Smart Meter Study

In 2014, a study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine examined the effects of mandated smart meter installations by the government of Victoria, Australia. This initiative resulted in widespread radio frequency radiation exposure for all residents. Over time, more than 100 individuals reported experiencing adverse health effects, including headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue, cognitive disturbances, dysesthesias, and dizziness.

The study analyzed 92 residents and their reported symptoms, concluding that these symptoms were highly likely to be a result of radiation from smart meter installations. Importantly, none of the individuals who reported these symptoms had previously identified themselves as having electro hypersensitivity (EHS).

Smart Meter Health Effects Survey and Report

Another noteworthy study conducted by Dr. Richard Conrad and Ed Friedman involved surveying individuals exposed to smart meter radiation through an extensive questionnaire and subsequent data analysis. The study received data from hundreds of people who had experienced smart meter radiation exposure.

Although the report contains an extensive amount of data and can be challenging to navigate, there are several crucial points to take away:

– Nearly 98% of respondents were either very sure or fairly sure that their new or worsened symptoms correlated with smart meter exposure.
– The number of people identifying themselves as having electrical sensitivity more than doubled after exposure to smart meter radiation.
– While there are numerous studies demonstrating the adverse health effects of radio frequency radiation, not all specifically focus on smart meters. Nevertheless, considering the significant amount of radiation emitted by smart meters, these findings help shed light on why smart meters pose substantial risks to human health.

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